March 31, 2019August 18, 2020Al-Zulaij Exclusive Goa e Portugal: Um passado sem futuro? Cidadania e identidade goesa.
March 31, 2019August 18, 2020Al-Zulaij Exclusive Goa and Portugal: A Past without a Future? Citizenship and Goan identity.
March 26, 2019August 18, 2020Al-Zulaij Exclusive Apresentação proferido na Conferencia sobre a vida do Prof. Teotónio de Souza Casa de Goa, Lisboa – 22 March 2019 Obituary.
March 26, 2019August 18, 2020Al-Zulaij Exclusive Text of the presentation at the Memorial meeting for Dr. Teotónio de Souza, Casa de Goa, Lisbon – 23 March 2019 Obituary.
March 12, 2019May 17, 2020Popular Essays Vote-Bank Politics: The Saving Grace of Indian Democracy? An alternate view.
March 6, 2019May 17, 2020Popular Essays When Empowerment is Child’s Play Social empowerment through classical music.
March 1, 2019May 17, 2020Popular Essays Zero Caste-based Discrimination in Law, Please! Casteist Laws in Goa.
February 24, 2019May 17, 2020Popular Essays विष्णू वाघांच्या जाण्याचे काही संदर्भ ‘विष्णू मामा गेला’ हे फोनवर टाईप करताना क्षणातच अनंत युगांचं पोरकेपण नशिबी आल्याची जाणीव झाली. ह्या वाक्यात महत्वाचं आहे ते ‘गेला’ हे […]