R. Benedito Ferrão at the Global Asias 2017 Conference
R. Benedito Ferrão will present “Inquisitive Legacies: Colonial Medical Botany and the Making of Goan Modernity” at the Global Asias 2017 Conference […]
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R. Benedito Ferrão will present “Inquisitive Legacies: Colonial Medical Botany and the Making of Goan Modernity” at the Global Asias 2017 Conference […]
Law-making in Goa is rarely inspired by concerns of justice.
गोमंतकीय इतिहासाची मींमासा करताना आपण हेही लक्षात ठेवले पाहिजे कि गोमंतकीय समाज हा काही एकजिनसी स्वरूपाचा नसून जात, धर्म व वर्गवार वैविध्य व विषमता असलेला हा समाज आहे.
Demands for apologies, ostensibly for colonial injustices, emerge from castesist and communal locations.
Malaysia and India demand fair elections, and face the same problems.
On the incident at Goregaon Social and the response of Christians in India.
Achche Din are an impossibility in a caste society.