Caste Atrocities in Goa: Give Us this Day… Our Land!
Caste atrocities in a maharwado in Goa
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Caste atrocities in a maharwado in Goa
By not standing up against custodial murders, we will only be paving the way for a disbanding of the rule of law.
Goa’s UCC has allowed dominant castes and communities to assert their privilege and nationalism.
On how migrant workers are treated in Goa.
Multi-lingual practices are important to facilitate social mobility in a polity marked by class and caste divides.
Amita Kanekar further elaborates on how the fair and just implementation of reservations are scuttled in Goa.
Part One: How reservations are scuttled at Goa University.
On the choices available to the Goan people during elections.