The New Goenche Saibs
To take up cudgels against the latest Hindutva offensive against the Catholic community, on why S. Francis Xavier’s popular title of Goencho Saib (Lord of Goa) is more deserved by the god Parshuram, is fraught with risk in today’s Goa. Because, although one is free to discuss the merits – and even more so the demerits – of the Catholic saint, discussing the Hindu god can, as we have seen, bring down the brute force of the State on you, in the name of hurting religious sentiment. Thus, it has become normal to judge Francis Xavier by the values of today, and therefore to condemn him for advising the Portuguese king to set up the Goa Inquisition. But applying the same modern values to Parshuram is out of the question; the many acts of violence ascribed to him, including against his own mother, are not to be criticised. (more…)